In the Swing

School Principal Tim Van Zyl says, “Te Awa is a decile 1 school situated in Maraenui where children learn not only to respect themselves, others, and the environment, but also to develop positive attitudes towards learning. We strive to break down the barriers to learning and provide equal opportunities for our children.”

“There is much more to education than academic achievement alone, which is why we emphasise social skills training, treating each child as an individual, and empowering him or her to be imaginative and creative. This is an environment where children are encouraged to say 'I Can' instead of 'But.' Our mission is to provide learning experiences and opportunities in an enthusiastic and caring environment that will promote student success and independence.”

“Our vision for our students is to become knowledgeable and enthusiastic learners who strive for excellence in a nurturing environment. Combined with a proactive staff, Board of Trustees, and the local community, this KEEN attitude is reflected in our National Standard scores above 86% in reading, writing, and mathematics.”

“Over the past two years - and especially with the after-effects of the COVID pandemic yet to be felt - our school has found that effective outdoor play provides a unique and positive experience on our students’ wellbeing. We know that students who are active, engaged, and connected to their place of learning feel safe and emotionally stable.”

“It is crucially important for our students to be able to use fundamental movement development skills to ground them at school. A set of swings will not only help them to develop motor skills, but also provide them with a sense of kinaesthetic connection, will also having fun.”
School Principal Tim Van Zyl
Napier's Te Awa School has received a $18,000 grant from the NZCT for an outdoor swing set, including the cost of installation and a safety surface to prevent injuries.
Tim Van Zyl

Founded in 1925, Te Awa School teaches all students to employ the skills and strategies of a good learner. The value-laden concept of KEEN plays a key role in establishing this understanding and the expectation is that all ākonga will put this into practice.

Knowledgeable (Ako) - Ākonga know what they are learning, why they are learning, and what their next step will be. They strive to achieve their full potential because they are fully involved and passionate about their learning, and develop into happy, confident, connected, and lifelong learners.

Enthusiastic (Whakawhanaungata) - Ākonga feel a strong sense of belong at Te Awa School with relationships built through shared experiences and working together. They demonstrate an enthusiastic and eager enjoyment in all academic, sporting, and cultural learning experiences.

Empathetic (Aroha) - Ākonga are able to understand and share their feelings with others and learn in an environment of love and care.

Nurturing (Manaakitanga) - Ākonga learn to respect ‘themselves’, ‘others’, and ‘property’. By developing a sense of nurturing compassion, they respect differences in individuals, cherish diversity and equity, and are expected to maintain high standards for themselves in everything they do.