Motueka & Districts Swimming Club making a splash

“Without a new pool cover the water would be freezing cold! I wouldn’t be able to swim for as long and I wouldn’t enjoy it half as much.”
Milan Kroupa, age 10 swimmer.

NZCT Supports Motueka Swimming Club

The NZCT has awarded Motueka & Districts Swimming Club a grant of $50,000 to purchase a new pool cover and autowinder.

“Without a new pool cover the water would be freezing cold! I wouldn’t be able to swim for as long and I wouldn’t enjoy it half as much.” - Milan Kroupa, age 10 swimmer.

Treasurer Andrea King adds -

The Motueka Swimming Club provides access to swimming for a wide range of ages, stages and needs in our community, including children, teenagers, older persons , as well as special needs swimmers.

We use the only community pool available in Motueka, which is the outdoor High School pool. There’s no heating for the pool as the solar panels are no longer usable due to age and the changing rooms in which they are housed are being replaced. The poor condition of the old pool covers means we were no longer usable for health and safety reasons. No heating basically means no swim club because the pool is too cold for use.

Our club has been operating in the Motueka High School Pool for over sixty years, supporting three generations of swimmers. We provide access to swimming for a range of ages, stages, and needs of swimmers. We attract children from schools across the community, including low decile schools, where Tamariki would not otherwise have access to swimming lessons.

GM Grants, Marketing and Communications, Ben Hodges says

“I grew up in Motueka, and pretty much learnt to swim in the pool. My mother was on the working bee when the pool was originally built! So, I am personally delighted that NZCT has been able to help make sure the pool remains useable for the next generation. Thanks to Vince and the team at the Motueka Hotel for their fundraising partnership with NZCT”

The benefits of swimming are well-known and wide-ranging. Not only does it keep both adults and kids fit and active, it’s also a critical life-safety skill. Swimmers of all ages and needs can achieve the positive mental and physical benefits of swimming. During term time, the High School students will also enjoy and appreciate the benefits that come from having a warm pool.